A flowchart containing a photo of sunflowers, followed by three stencils produced from the photo, followed by a stencilled version of the photo painted on a dish towel.

Make stencils from images

Just choose an image and make custom multi-layer stencils for art, painting, signs, t-shirts, and more!

Or use an example image

How it works


Bridged stencils

All parts of a stencil must be connected or it will fall apart when cut, as shown to the right.

Super Stencil Maker automatically adds connecting bridges to ensure stencils are connected and won't fall apart when cut.

Multi-layer stencils

Stencils can be painted on top of each other to create detailed, multicolored images.

Super Stencil Maker supports up to 5 colors (4 layers) for amazing results.

Adjustable detail

More detailed stencils can produce better results, but are harder to cut.

Super Stencil Maker lets you choose the detail level that's best for your image.


Single-layer stencils


Multi-layer stencils


Get started

Or use an example image